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Mar 30, 2022

Hiring a professional executor is particularly useful for non-US heirs. Most state rules make it tough for you to be a US executor if you are not from or currently living the US.

US Executor Qualifications

US Executor Qualifications

Many states outright prohibit non-US citizens or residents from being a US executor. Some states are a bit more...

Mar 23, 2022

As the default recommended multisig quorum, there must be lots of  2 of 3 multisig holders out there. So let’s make sure your 2 of 3 multisig also works as well upon your death as it does while you’re alive.

Three things to think about: who has your third key; access to keys 1 and 2 upon death; and consider a 2 of 4...

Mar 16, 2022

Probate is already a slow process, and recent IRS processing delays are making probate even slower.

Most probate cases must receive IRS tax clearance in order to close the estate. Otherwise, the executor and heirs are at risk for lingering tax problems and getting hit with unexpected tax bills later. Once the heirs...

Mar 9, 2022

If you have a multisig, who should hold keys as part of your bitcoin inheritance plan?

Multisig is a great way to reduce risk of theft or catastrophic loss by reducing single points of failure. Michael Flaxman does a nice job explaining why to use multisig.

But what happens upon your death? You’ll want one (or more)...

Mar 2, 2022

Lots of people like to keep cash and valuables hidden at home. But what if you do too good a job of hiding them that even your executor can’t find them? They could end up lost or thrown away. Let’s discuss how to avoid that.

Why people hide cash and valuables at home

Why people hide cash and valuables at home

Some folks don’t trust banks or the...