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Dec 26, 2018


  1. Adjust the criteria
  2. Pick up the pace
  3. Slow things down
  4. Call it quits
  5. Stay the course


Original post by Elina Tarkazikis (@ElinaTark, on LinkedIn)

My book “How to Buy Your Perfect First Home”...

Dec 24, 2018


  1. How are we going to organize and simplify my assets?
  2. What sorts of accounts and trusts will we use and how will they be managed?
  3. How will you work with my trusted contact, while I’m well, and after I’m sick or deceased? (And for those unsure, how can I pick the right trusted contact, such as a family member...

Dec 21, 2018


  1. Save for a down payment
  2. Shore up student loan debt
  3. Check your credit score
  4. Purchase a starter home
  5. Plan for unexpected home expenses


Original post by Daniel Bortz (@DanielBortz, on LinkedIn)

My book “How to Buy Your Perfect First...

Dec 19, 2018


  1. William Shakespeare
  2. Leona Helmsley
  3. Charles Dickens
  4. Harry Houdini
  5. Napoleon Bonaparte
  6. Gene Roddenberry
  7. Phillip Seymour Hoffman
  8. John B. Kelly
  9. Eleanor E. Ritchey
  10. Fred Baur
  11. William Randolph Hearst
  12. Dusty Springfield
  13. Tupac Shakur
  14. Mickey Rooney
  15. Jeremy Bentham
  16. George Bernard Shaw
  17. Ed Headrick
  18. Mark Gruenwald
  19. Benjamin...

Dec 17, 2018


  1. Bedroom placement
  2. Sidewalks
  3. An open floor plan
  4. Easy sightlines to the backyard
  5. A flat lot
  6. Hot spots
  7. Amenities within walking distance
  8. The neighbors


Original post by Cathie Ericson (@CathieEricson, on LinkedIn)
